Master Programme
Conflict Management and Humanitarian Action

Course Description

Graduates of the UNISI master programme in “Conflict Management and Humanitarian Action” develop a wide range of knowledge including practical and theoretical aspects of conflict management and humanitarian actions in a intercultural environment. They are provided with key issues and current debates on humanitarian responses in complex emergency through a variety of module and seminars presented by academics, practitioners and organisations that shape humanitarian responses around the world.


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The programme is expected to start in January 2025


6 Months: Workshops
6 Months: Internship and Thesis


2025 entrants

Key Topics:

The master discusses global challenges faced by the humanitarian sector throughout overviews and case studies given by practitioners and sectorial experts. Students are provided with critical analyses of practices and policies of humanitarian responses, especially in prominent sectors such as: global health, migration, management in humanitarian interventions; advocacy and communication; humanitarian negotiation, conflict resolution practices, scientific and cultural diplomacy in an intercultural context.

Practical Activites:

A series of activites have been thought to complement the theoretical part of the course, providing a more practical and interactive experience. This includes role plays, presentations and case studies. These practical exercises are provided for developing adequate tools to deal with humanitarian dilemmas and adapting the project strategy to difficult and complex environments. Graduates grasp practical notions including reporting in the humanitarian context, such as: context analysis, identifying main humanitarian actors and needs, building advocacy/communication strategy); and, how to conduct operational research.


Pillar I


Co-ordinator: Francesco Olmastroni


  1. Research methods and the intercultural context
  2. From war to peace: patterns of conflict resolution and institutional building in contemporary world
  3. Global Politics, Global Power and International Relations
  4. Conflict Resolution: the Rondine Method
  5. Intercultural Relations and Cultural Diplomacy


The master programme is offered by the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Science at the University of Siena in collaboration with  Rondine Cittadella della Pace. This is an international organization hosting young people from countries affected by armed conflicts or in post-conflict transition. The organisation is committed to spread its own method for the creative transformation of conflicts in every context. The programme also counts on the active collaboration of practitioners from the international NGO Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and instructors from the Association on Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI).

The classes of the a.y. 2025 will be entirely held in presence.
The next application call will open in summer 2024, as the new master programme is expected to start in January 2025.

Entry Requirement

1st cycle degree (e.g., B.A.) or higher


University of Siena (UNISI)
Via Mattioli, 10 - Siena

Degree Awarded

First Level Master Degree
60 Credits

Mode of Attendance

Full time


3-6 months of internal or external internship

Course Language



University of Siena (UNISI)
Department of Social Political and Cognitive Sciences
Via Mattioli, 10 - Siena


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The association “Rondine Cittadella della Pace” is an international organization that exists since 1997 in order to promote dialogue and conflict resolutions on different levels: interpersonal, political and international. The core project of Rondine is the cohabitation of young professionals who come from countries in conflict and belong to different cultures.

Specialized in research on political, cultural and social transformations, the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Siena is committed to high-quality undergraduate and graduate instruction in a variety of disciplines. It hosts a vibrant community of social and political scientists.


Contribution of expert practitioners in the humanitarian sector
Various practitioners from the international, non-governmental organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF- Doctors Without Borders) will collaborate as instructors in some of the courses, seminars and workshops offered during the master program.