

Luca Verzichelli (Master Director)
Tommaso Fabbri (Scientific Coordinator)

Mauro D'Andrea (Director of Training on International Relation - Rondine)
Federico Lenzerini (University of Siena)
Francesco Olmastroni (University of Siena)


Basile Linda (University of Siena)
Research methods and the intercultural context

Bosqui Tania (American University of Beirut)
Migration: effects on health and equitable right to healthcare

Bussotti Andrea (Medecins Sans Frontieres, Paris)
Public communication in the humanitarian setting

Contenta Andrea (Medecins Sans Frontieres, INTERSOS)
International humanitarian operations

Food security: the role of NGOs

People on the move

Management tools

Del Panta Gianni (University of Pavia)
Regime change and humanitarian action in the Middle East and North Africa

Djebbi Sihem (Science Po, Paris)
Violence to peace transition: The role of humanitarian actors

El Muthaseb Lamis (University of Florence)

Regime change and humanitarian action in the MENA countries

Fabbri Tommaso (University of Siena, Medecins Sans Frontieres)
Management Tools

Security management in the humanitarian context
International Humanitarian Operations

Furri Filippo (University of Montreal, MIGREUROP)
Mapping migration and border externalisation

Gennari Lucia (ASGI, Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione)

Protection & Migration

Ghioldi Mario (International Business School)

Development Aid

Guazzini Federica (Unistrasi Perugia)
Migrants and Refugees: from Africa to Europe

Geopolitics of displacement: from conflict to climate change

Lenzerini Federico (University of Siena)
International laws and humanitarian action

Mancini Silvia (Medecins Sans Frontieres)

Humanitarian Advocacy

Marinelli Stefano (Rondine)

Conflict resolution: the Rondine method

Olmastroni Francesco (University of Siena)
International actors and strategic communication

Pini Alessandro (Global health expert)
Introduction to global health: Health priorities and agenda in the humanitarian context

Terlizzi Andrea (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Health systems and governance

Verzichelli Luca (University of Siena)
Democratic Governance – Crises and Challenges






The association “Rondine Cittadella della Pace” is an international organization that exists since 1997 in order to promote dialogue and conflict resolutions on different levels: interpersonal, political and international. The core project of Rondine is the cohabitation of young professionals who come from countries in conflict and belong to different cultures.

Specialized in research on political, cultural and social transformations, the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Siena is committed to high-quality undergraduate and graduate instruction in a variety of disciplines. It hosts a vibrant community of social and political scientists.


Contribution of expert practitioners in the humanitarian sector
Various practitioners from the international, non-governmental organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF- Doctors Without Borders) will collaborate as instructors in some of the courses, seminars and workshops offered during the master program.